
Winter 2020: Physics 2CL (Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics)

Topics: Electrical circuits (resistors, capacitor, inductance coils), lenses and optics, interference/diffraction; propagation of uncertainties; Measurements and errors; statistical analysis of random errors; normal distribution; least squares fitting; probability distributions, etc.

Spring 2020: Physics 2CL

Winter 2021: Physics 2CL

Fall 2021: Physics 133/219 Condensed Matter/MATL Sci. Lab

Course discription: A project-oriented laboratory course utilizing state-of-the-art experimental techniques in materials science. The course prepares students for research in a modern condensed matter-materials science laboratory. Under supervision, the students develop their own experimental ideas after investigating current research literature. With the use of sophisticated state-of-the-art instrumentation students conduct research, write a research paper, and make verbal presentations.

Winter 2022: Physics 133/219 Condensed Matter/MATL Sci. Lab

Fall 2022: Physics 2CL

Spring 2024: Modern Optics Lab - PHYS-3226

Measurement of parameters of optical surfaces, lenses, and systems using a variety of modern optics techniques.

Fall 2024: Modern Optics Lab - PHYS-3208

Measurement of parameters of optical surfaces, lenses, and systems using a variety of modern optics techniques.